Talent advisory, intelligence and executive search for data centre investors, developers and operators
The recruitment consultancy model is broken. A shaved monkey could scrape CVs off job boards and spray them at umpteen companies in the hope that one sticks. It’s not difficult (most of us were taught to do it during our more naïve years in recruitment). And that’s why it’s not very expensive.
Digital Infrastructure is a niche, knowledge-driven, sector. We will find you the people who aren’t looking for jobs, not the ones who are. Our engagement model enables us to work with you until the right hire is made. It’s as simple as that. Our brilliant team, dotted around the globe, will see it though no matter what.
We only take on a few assignments at once, so we’re never too busy for researching, engaging, discussing, interviewing and suggesting new angles to attract and assess those difficult-to-reach senior executives. Crucially, we guarantee* that we will find you the person because we simply keep working until we do; no ifs or buts.
Our consultants only work between one and three assignments at a time. This approach has helped us to successfully complete 96% of assignments since launching the business. That’s against an industry average thought to be around 20%. Ask me about the 4% failure. (It was one search, and it was a silly mistake on our part. We stepped out of our wheelhouse. Never again).
“We don’t take on run-of-the-mill easy briefs, we prefer the hard yards. In fact, we love it when someone else has failed and the clock is ticking.”
We’re a global team working with other global teams. We operate across time zones and cultures; some of us are nomads, some have grown roots. But we’re all remote, we all work weird hours and we all enjoy a healthy life/work balance.
Companies who’ve relied on our expertise

He gives a hell of a lot more than he gets
Mike Coleman, Chief Technology Officer, Keppel Data Centres
*You thought we were going to use the small print to wriggle out of that didn’t you? Not us. We guarantee we’ll find you the person. If we don’t do it within the agreed period, we will return all the fees paid minus our agreed costs. We lose not you.

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